Rats On Rafts
  • Konzerte

© Hafenklang

Tickets bei DICE oder www.tixforgigs.com/Event/59710

Rats On Rafts return with brand new music since 2021’s acclaimed album, ‘Excerpts Of Chapter 3: The Mind
Runs A Net Of Rabbit Paths’.
Currently preparing for the release of their fourth album set for release in 2025, Rats On Rafts’ new single
‘Hibernation’ is a rain-soaked lament to nature’s battered mortality, a monochrome snapshot of the
landscape played out in beautiful cold wave delay.
Finding joy in self-isolation, “I noticed that I could feel really comfortable with songs that can feel really
heavy and isolated,” says Fagan “ If you listen to a Joy Division record for example, for a lot of people they’re
really downcast. But for some people it’s like stepping into a really warm bath, because you can really
identify with that music. I think that’s also what’s going on with “Hibernation”. I could identify with the
coldness of the atmosphere, and that languid feeling of that song.”

“One of the great contemporary European rock bands”

"You might say Rotterdam’s Rats and Rafts relationship with the past is complicated. Especially as a band
never too keen on looking back. The revered punk rock experimentalists still remain highly unconcerned"


Einlass: 19:00 Uhr

Dies ist ein Eintrag aus der Veranstaltungsdatenbank für die Metropolregion Hamburg.
Für die Richtigkeit der Daten wird keine Haftung übernommen.
© ThisIsJulia Photography


In direkter Nähe zur Elbe – wie könnte es auch anders sein - ist der geschichtsträchtige Hafenklang zu Hause.


© links im Bild

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© Anna Flegontova

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© Foto: Henning Münther

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  • Konzerte & Musik

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  • 19:00
  • Peter-Paul-Kirche Bad Oldesloe


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