  • Konzerte

© Hafenklang

With time, we come to understand the way the joy of connection is mirrored by the void of loss, how the constancy of love is matched only by the impermanence of life, the simple idea that we could not create light if we did not risk the dark—we’d never need to. So it is with METZ, a band once known for blowing out eardrums with songs of joyous rage who have, over their past few records, begun exploring ways to turn abrasiveness into atmospherics, the evolution of their sound not only a reflection of the maturing of the band themselves but also of a changed world that demands nuance and compassion to comprehend and to survive. It was a journey already underway on 2020’s Atlas Vending, but one that reaches new heights on Up On Gravity Hill, where the Canadian trio creates a kaleidoscopic sonic world as tender as it is dark, aided once again by engineer Seth Manchester (Mdou Moctar, Lingua Ignota, Battles, The Body). Deep, detailed, and unyieldingly personal, it is not only METZ’s most powerful record to date but also their most beautiful.

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Einlass: 19:30 Uhr

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© ThisIsJulia Photography


In direkter Nähe zur Elbe – wie könnte es auch anders sein - ist der geschichtsträchtige Hafenklang zu Hause.


JAM Session
© Musikhaus Karami

JAM Session im Musikhaus Karami
  • Konzerte & Musik

  • 09.07.2024
  • 19:00
  • Musikhaus Karami
Hayato Sumino / Klavier
© Ryuya Amao

Hayato Sumino / Klavierabend
  • Klassik

  • 08.01.2025
  • 19:30
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
Thibaut Garcia, Gitarre
© Erato Simon Fowler

Thibaut Garcia, Gitarre
  • Klassik

  • 13.12.2024
  • 19:30
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
Mikhail Pletnev
© Irina Shymchak

Mikhail Pletnev / Klavierabend
  • Klassik

  • 24.02.2025
  • 20:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Großer Saal)
Joanna Kamenarska
© Arnfried Weiß

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  • Klassik

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  • 16:00
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© Imke Fellensiek

Jazz zum Reformationstag mit dem Trio [klesm:oni]
  • Konzerte & Musik

  • 31.10.2024
  • 19:00
  • Peter-Paul-Kirche Bad Oldesloe
© Patrick Ludolph

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  • 26.07.2024
  • 20:00
  • Stadtpark Harburg (Freilichtbühne)
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© Quelle: Reservix

Wenn das in die falschen Hände gerät...
  • Pop

  • 10.05.2025
  • 20:00
  • Der Speicher
Ensemble Resonanz
© Gerhard Kühne

Ensemble Resonanz
  • Klassik

  • 16.12.2024
  • 20:00
  • Laeiszhalle (Großer Saal)


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