Hardcore Superstar - special warm up club show - Support - Blind Man's Gun
  • Punkrock, Metal & Hardcore

© links im Bild

Eine Veranstaltung der Reihe Hardcore Superstar

Hardcore Superstar
Sweden’s long-standing kings of adrenaline fuelled, street metal, Hardcore Superstar have a big year ahead of them with multiple tours and festival appearances lined up, as well as a new single and album in the works.

First up is their return to the legendary Monsters of Rock Cruise that sets sail out of Miami on March 1st where they will be sharing the stage with the likes of Accept, Extreme and The Darkness to name just a few, then they return home to start a headlining Swedish tour in anticipation of their first single scheduled for release in the Spring.

The bands last album ‘Abrakadabra’ released in 2022 quickly became a fan favourite, racking up over 1 million streams in record time and producing 4 critically acclaimed singles, spawning a world tour that took them across Europe to Australia as well as Central and South America. The Abrakadabra tour was filled with may high points including performing just ahead of Guns N’ Roses on the main stage at Sweden Rock Festival and ending on a high with the band playing to an unbelievable crowd at their sold-out show in Argentina.

The bands singer Jocke Berg is clearly very excited about the coming year:

“Songs are written for the new album and we’ve got some great shows and tours lined up, as well as a few surprises that we can’t wait to announce… We’re gonna grab 2024 by the balls and make it a year to remember!!”

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© Mediaserver Hamburg / ThisIsJulia Photography

Bahnhof Pauli

Nächste Haltestelle? Bahnhof Pauli! Bis in die frühen Morgenstunden wird tief unten im Klubhaus St. Pauli gefeiert.


© Kerstin Bittner

Wasserspiele [tagsüber] - Parksee
  • Klassik

  • 26.09.2024
  • 16:00
  • Planten un Blomen (Parksee)
© Marco Borggreve

NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester / Leif Ove Andsnes / Alan Gilbert
  • Klassik

  • 08.05.2025
  • 20:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Großer Saal)
© Cove Nouveau

  • Konzerte & Musik

  • 06.04.2025
  • 11:00
  • Laeiszhalle (Studio E)
© Quelle: Reservix

Herdensingen - Das Gruppen-Karaoke-Event
  • Konzerte & Musik

  • 27.06.2025
  • 20:00
  • CD-Kaserne Celle (Halle 16)
© links im Bild

The Bottom Line - Europe Tour 2024

  • 12.11.2024
  • 20:00
  • Hebebühne
© Foto: Eigentum der Künstlerin

Britta Virves Trio "Juniper" CD-Release
  • Jazz, Blues, Swing & Chanson

  • 04.10.2024
  • 18:30
  • JazzHall


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