Followhim Experience - Braidwood Rathbone
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Eine Veranstaltung der Reihe Followhim Experience - Braidwood Rathbone | This Side of Freedom
This is not a regular gig, this is an experience, a chance to encounter your purpose and your creator.
Join Braidwood Rathbone an Australian artist as he shares his story through music. After a radical spiritual experience in 2016, Braidwood began to tell testimonies through song. His tunes are heartfelt, energetic, uplifting, and declaratory! Braidwood draws inspiration from hard-hitting bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, and melodic lines from the music theatre tradition all while staying grounded in soul and blues.
Braidwood writes:"The idea of a 'FollowHim EXPERIENCE' has been spinning around in my head for years, a chance to showcase a polished performance and impact the listener in a life-changing way at the same time.This is not a regular gig, this is an experience, a chance to encounter your purpose and your creator"Our supporting act will be Hamburg locals "SySanLi".
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