Event in english: Themed tour – Football in concentration camps
  • Stadtrundgänge & Führungen


To this day, little is known about the fact that football was played in concentration camps. The football matches played by prisoners on the former roll call square of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp provides a starting point for talking about working and living conditions as well als hierarchies within the camp. In addition to the football matches played in the camp, biographies of persecutes who played football themselves or had other connections to the sport before or after their imprisonment are presented.

In addition to talking about football, National Socialism and football in concentration camps, the themed tour offers the opportunity to get to know the site of the former Neuengamme Concentration Camp and today’s Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial.

The themed tour takes place as part of www.fussballunderinnerung.de – a project with the EURO24 event series.

Guide: Maren Degener

The tour will be held in German and English at the same time. It is necessary to register for the tour.

Saturday, 6 July 2024, 2 pm–5 pm

Cost: 5,- , reduced: 3,-

Meeting point: Service point at the main entrance to the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial

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© Anja Raabe

KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme

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