Dock & Talk: Stories from the Top #3 Generation Job Sharing – with Christiane Haasis & Angela Nelissen (Unilever)
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Our "Dock & Talk – Stories From The Top" event series continues with Unilever's Vice Presidents Refreshment DACH, Christiane Haasis & Angela Nelissen, who show us that sharing a job can be very enriching for all stakeholders.
Some years ago, the idea of job sharing was new and the path wasn’t easy, but at least at Unilever this “experiment” became a trending solution. Nearly 20 years later, Christiane Haasis & Angela Nelissen continue to share one position in the company. They even have a common email address named CHAN and say: "100% sharing is 200% brain power".
What is necessary for a shared job and position, and how can it help contribute to effective leadership? Is job sharing really top sharing and a win for human resources and work life balance? What should the next generation entering the job market know about how to use flexibility to their advantage?
During this inspiring discussion with KLU President Andreas Kaplan, Christiane Haasis & Angela Nelissen will discuss the impact job sharing has had on their career and how it has shaped their view of leadership.
Join us at KLU’s campus in Hamburg’s Hafencity, enjoying the view among the rooftops and docks all the while enjoying Christiane's and Angela's story from the top. A journey from business to betterment, offering a unique perspective on how to use a business mindset to create a better world. It's a chat that promises to be as inspiring as it is enlightening, perfect for anyone looking to make their mark on the world.
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