AS YOU WANT IT - University Players AS YOU WANT IT
  • Theater

© University Players

University Player Ticket

In their home cinema, Tony has all the films that have ever been made - in fact, they have every film you could possibly ever imagine. Every night will have a new film be made up right in front of the audience?s eyes, based on their suggestions. The script written at the same time the lines are said, music composed at the same time it is being played, lights programmed at the same time they are being employed. Guiding us through the film is Tony, remote control in hand, skipping forwards or backwards, introducing flashbacks, songs or slow motions, and providing insightful commentary on the actor?s and director?s choices we see before us.

Language: English



Dies ist ein Eintrag aus der Veranstaltungsdatenbank für die Metropolregion Hamburg.
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© Johannes Beschoner

MOTTE – Stadtteil&Kulturzentrum

Seit 1976 ist die MOTTE Ideenagentur und aktiver Kooperationspartner in Altona. Veranstaltungs-, Kurs- und Werkstattangebote  richten sich an Kinder,…


© A.Fitzen, U.Rasokat

WortKlang trifft TonArt
  • Lesungen

  • 24.08.2024
  • 19:00
  • Heilig-Geist Kirche zu Wolterdingen
© Hoftheater Ottensen

Weihnachtsmärchen-Hans im Glück
  • Theater

  • 15.11.2024
  • 16:00
  • Hoftheater Ottensen
© Marius Engels / NDR

NDR Vokalensemble / Julius Drake / Klaas Stok
  • Oper & Operette

  • 20.10.2024
  • 20:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Großer Saal)
© NDR_Sinje Hasheider

NDR-Bücherpodcast eat.READ.sleep

  • 04.09.2024
  • 19:30
  • Akademie Großhansdorf
© (c) Oliver Fantitisch

Es ist nur eine Phase, Hase
  • Theater

  • 28.08.2024
  • 19:30
  • Komödie Winterhuder Fährhaus
© Moin Comedy Club

Moin Comedy Club Open Air
  • Comedy

  • 28.07.2024
  • 17:00
  • Hamburger Ding

Mellow Magic
  • Theater & Bühnenkunst

  • 14.11.2024
  • 19:30
  • Kulturwerk am See
© Steffen Baraniak

Wohin mit dem Elefanten?
  • Theater

  • 26.01.2025
  • 11:00
  • theater itzehoe
© Matthew Murphy

Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind
  • Theater

  • 24.07.2024
  • 18:30
  • Theater am Großmarkt
© Quelle: Reservix

Nicole Jäger - Walküre
  • Comedy

  • 21.09.2025
  • 19:00
  • Stadttheater Heide


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